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Brooklawn Post 72 wins the State Championship Game.

Brooklawn has won the State Championship 32 times. Brooklawn will move on to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Tournament.  The Regional Tournament will be played at Joe Cannon Stadium in Ridge, Maryland.  The Regional Tournament runs August 7-11.

Link to Mid Atlantic Regional Tournament web site: 

Region 2; Mid-Atlantic (


2024 American Legion World Series

The American Legion Baseball World Series will be played at Keeter Stadium in Shelby, NC.  The Tournament will run August 15-20, 2024.

Link to World Series Web Site: 

 2024 American Legion World Series (

The American Legion Baseball Program

Since 1925, the American Legion has sponsored a nationwide youth baseball program. During these past eight decades, millions of young players have enjoyed playing baseball. The American Legion and their 2.8 million members have raised millions of dollars each year for players to learn the importance of teamwork, discipline, leadership and good sportsmanship. The American Legion sponsors American Legion Baseball to give players an opportunity to develop their skills, personal fitness, leadership qualities and to have fun.

American Legion Baseball is a highly competitive program primarily comprised of high school ball players that want to compete and further develop their baseball skills after the school baseball season ends.  Many Players use it as a step between High School Baseball and College Baseball.

Unlike travel and showcase baseball, all American Legion baseball coaches are vetted by a criminal background check.  American Legion registered teams are required to have Liability and Supplemental Medical Insurance.

American Legion Baseball costs a fraction of the expense to play when compared to playing summer travel baseball. There is ample opportunity for new players to join and for coaches who want to start a team.

American Legion Baseball has a long history in New Jersey. The season typically begins around the Memorial Day holiday weekend. The state tournament is normally held in mid-July. Post Season Play also includes a Regional Tournament and a World Series held annually in Shelby, NC.



To see the list of past New Jersey State Championships, click on link below:

Current and Past NJ State Tournaments (



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2024 New Jersey State Tournament

The 2024 State Tournament will start Sunday, July 21st at the Wood-Ridge Athletic Center in Wood-Ridge, New Jersey. The Championship game will be played Friday July 26th. Eight Teams from across the state will participate.

Total Team Enrollments can not exceed 7500


2024 New Jersey American Legion Baseball Scholarships

The New Jersey American Legion Baseball Committee will award Two $4000 Scholarships to 2024 Players who will graduate in June of 2025.  The Deadline for submission of your Application is December 31, 2024.  To obtain an Application and more information on how to apply, click on Link below:

How to Apply for a NJ ALBaseball Scholarship (

National American Legion Baseball Scholarship Information

The National Baseball Scholarship Applications are to be sent to The American Legion Department of New Jersey headquarters. Address below:                           

Mail no later than July 15th 

NJ American Legion Headquarters
171 Jersey Street
Trenton, New Jersey  08611


Link to Information and application: 

The American Legion Baseball Scholarship | The American Legion


DIAMOND BASEBALLS are available for purchase at Darrows Sporting Edge.  Call to inquire about cost and shipping arrangements.  Phone Number is 908-534-2838.

Diamond Baseballs are the Official Baseballs for the New Jersey American Legion Baseball Program

Diamond D1-AL EMBLEM American Legion Baseballs (DZ)

American Legion Sponsors